Developed by Adam Howard of and designed by Robert Costello.
We hope you waste many hours with this.

001 Your instant injury compensation calculator

This project responded to a desire to make something tangible and finite from extraneous internet content. Concentrating on email spam as a tool for curating images, we developed a system in order to combine email subject lines with images from Instagram.

During the Hackathon we created a JavaScript hashing function that derives a number from the subject line of a spam message. The number generated is then used to retrieve a seemingly random photograph from Instagram. When combined with the original, these image/text pairings create unexpected and humourous narratives. The digital and ephemeral qualities of the email spam are also transformed by printing physical flyers which are available at the Whitechapel gallery door and throughout the space.

002 New prices

004 Reduce your carbon footprint

005 verify

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